A downloadable tool for Windows

DDA Navigation is a cooperative escape room experience played in discord. This is a game that requires two players to function. The bot itself controls the game as you work with a partner to solve puzzles and find your way out of wherever you find yourself trapped. 

As a member of the Digital Datascape Agency, it's your job to enter the memories of victims of the most horrendous crimes known to man. In doing so, you will assist police in investigating a spree of murders. Your job is not without danger, by inhabiting the minds of victims, you open yourself up to experience the pain and suffering they themselves were fated to. Will you find the truth?

This was a project made by students across America and Australia.

Design and Direction - Maz Zouzounis

Main Artist - Kristen Shih

Artist - Amy Tye

Programming - Jack Mercuri & David Lee


Escape Room Bot Public Release.zip 5.4 MB

Install instructions

Instructions to play:

1. Go to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ and create a new application/bot (this will act basically as a skeleton for the program to use)

2. Copy your new bots 'Token' to clipboard

2. Invite your bot to a server to play on

4. Extract the zip, open up the .exe program and enter your bot's token when prompted, then hit enter.

5. Once bot appears "online" in your server, enter !Start to initialise the game

Note: For any players who are Administrators in their discord server, some aspects of the game will not function as intended. For the best experience, we recommend all players have the standard server permissions before starting. 

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